A belated Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!
(Recently added tracking software assures me you're reading...if only I could figure out how to get you to say something!)
My best intentions had me posting more regularly last week, but an overpowering laziness set in after the long car ride to the Adirondacks, way before it could've been blamed as a side effect of turkey and mashed potatoes.
Perhaps it was the rain, or more likely, a lingering tiredness borne of moving a garden two towns away (see My Other Blog for details there.).
In the midst of that project, however, I was also addressing other things, such as the purchase of the last three long boxes needed for housing of the Collection. And while I was at the comic shop, I also prowled the Back Issue bins for some recent-ish Wonder Woman releases I hadn't read yet. More on those shortly.

With the move of the rest of the household coming our way shortly, I may be a little sporadic in my postings the next few weeks. But I do have some things planned; check back when you can.

Mean while... perhaps I can redeem myself for having failed to direct you to the JLA Ice Cream Social last summer. It appears that this holiday season will see a new epic over at Every Day Is Like Wednesday...and it's sure to be a good time. While you're waiting for me, why don't you surf on over and check out what Caleb's up to!
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