Hi everyone. Sorry for the long absence. Back in early September, Owen and I split up and I moved out. I've got a great new apartment, but things are still a little unsettled as we approach the one month anniversary of tenancy.

Sorry to have left this blog fallow for so long. In advance of the move, I did get all the long boxes out of the house and they are currently in a safe, but undisclosed location. I have no worries for my comics' well-being...but sadly, they are not available for inspiration just lately.
As I finish getting the apartment painted and set up, I'll be bringing the long boxes home and then we'll be cooking with gas (
I AM cooking with gas at this apartment, for the first time in years, actually).
Thanks for your patience with me. Meanwhile (
heh heh...), please feel free to check out the
other blog for progress on getting a new household and life set up and underway.
I hope you're having a super autumn!!